Ribbon of Song online sing

29 Sep 2024

4 pm Eastern—5 pm Eastern

Every six weeks or so, a ribbon of songs is released as an episode of the podcast, A Breath of Song. The following Sunday, you have a chance to sing through the ribbon live, seeing other folk who use song to help navigate life, using chat to share reactions and build connection.

In the Zoom session, you’ll be off-mic and able to sing freely with me, experimenting, trying different parts, playing. I live-loop the songs, or include piano or guitar to provide a rich and supportive sound environment. I highly recommend headphones or loud speakers so you can release your full voice! Some singers gather up to 15 minutes before the start for verbal visiting and possibly a bonus song.

To learn more and register for the Zoom link, visit: https://www.juneberrymusic.com/ribbons-of-song.html

Event details


29 Sep 2024


4 pm Eastern – 5 pm Eastern


Suggested donation of $15-25, depending on your financial circumstances. Opportunity to donate comes when you register and during the session.

Phone number