Sing Acapella with Jenny Goodman

13 Sep 2024

10 am—12 pm

Holmfirth Parish Church

Join Amazing Acapella and their singing leader, Jenny Goodman, for a morning of songs to lift your spirits and gladden your heart. All songs are in glorious unaccompanied harmony!  We learn songs from folk traditions all across the world, plus popular favourites and original material. Each session includes gentle stretches, breathing and voice exercises for well-being and to build your singing skills and voice.

Absolutely everyone welcome. All songs are taught by ear so no need to read music or have any previous experience. Tea, coffee and biscuits included.

Amazing Acapella is a warm. welcoming and friendly group and the emphasis is on fun and building community. We meet regularly on a Friday morning and you can attend whenever you like.

Here’s some quotes from Amazing Acapella to give you a taste!

Come along to Amazing Acapella – it’s good for your well-being, the people are easy to get along with and mid-morning we have a break for coffee, tea and biscuits and you can chat and have a laugh. Two hours soon passes when you are enjoying yourself

It’s fun and uplifting and at the end of the session you feel better for having been. It’s a warm, friendly and welcoming group. Jenny’s experience and tuition is amazing

Come and try it, take the first step, you won’t be disappointed and truly it is a sure-fire way to happiness!

There’s no pressure ever, it makes you feel good, you get a sense of achievement, you learn a range of songs, sing any or every part you want, there’s no cliques and you get a great teacher!

Connect with others, learn a new skill – there’s benefits to body and mind

Jenny is very encouraging and you won’t feel uncomfortable

This will enhance the quality of your life – you’ll enjoy the company of others as you collectively learn to sing and collectively produce something beautiful. Come and experience it!

Event details


13 Sep 2024


10 am – 12 pm


The Gallery Room
Holmfirth Parish Church

Run by

Pay as you feel - suggested amounts: £5 I couldn't afford to come otherwise  £8  I don't have much spare but I love to sing £10 - I am comfortable financially and can afford full price


The room is upstairs but there is a chair lift it needed (this is already used by some group members so lots of friendly support available!)

Booking information

To book and for more information contact Jenny on or 07984 584923

Phone number