Singing for Fun Exmouth


Singing for Fun Exmouth is a FUN harmony singing group led by Sarah Pennington, where the only criterion to join is that you enjoy singing!  All songs will be taught by ear, so you don’t need to read music, and the emphasis will be on getting to know our voices, exploring the wonderful harmonies we can create together, and building a community of song.  Singing with other people is proven to lift the spirits and increase wellbeing, it is now recommended for all sorts of reasons, eg mental health, lung health, isolation…

Sarah is a highly experienced and enthusiastic choirleader who inspires confidence and trust in her singers.  She has been leading people into harmony for 20 years, she has led Quay Note Singers in Topsham for 12 years now, and also used to lead a choir in Plymouth.

There is no requirement to make a commitment to come regularly, you can pay per session and drop in whenever you can make it.  So you can fit singing into your life, even if you are self-employed, or you have caring responsibilities.

There is a tea break with refreshments provided (including vegan and gluten-free options, and organic/fairtrade where possible).

The fees include a low-income rate and you can choose to pay per session or for a half-term block.  Contact Sarah for term dates.

“Thank you, Sarah, for all that you do for our singing group.  It is such an enjoyable 2 hours and I always go home relaxed and happy (even grinning!!).  With all the ups and downs of health, family and world problems, it helps in so many ways, as well as enjoying being part of a group which with your expertise and encouragement produces some lovely songs. Thank you.”

Session times

Wednesdays 10:30am-12:30pm

Choir details


Exmouth Town Football Club
Southern Road
Exmouth EX8 3EE (includes disabled access)

Phone number