Surrey, UK
Surrey, UK
Community choirs; singing workshops; singing for wellbeing; unaccompanied singing.
I have been leading Bletchingley Community Choir since 2012. I took over from fellow network member Anna Tabbush who had started the choir as part of a Surrey Arts singing project.
I joined the Natural Voice Network that same year, and since then I have enjoyed sharing and collaborating with other network choir leaders based in Surrey and the neighbouring counties, on concerts and music events.
I enjoy gathering and learning repertoire of different genres from a range of sources, to teach in 2, 3 and 4-part harmony, acappella.
I believe passionately in the use of music to support and promote health and wellbeing. I have worked on music projects for Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Trust, and I received funding in 2012 to attend a ‘Music in Health Settings’ training course run by Musique et Santé in Paris.
Singing leading is part of my freelance portfolio career, as I’m also an arts consultant and project manager. I have worked on Sing Up and Creative Partnerships, with Slough Music Service and was an Arts Award moderator for Trinity College London for many years.
Prior to leading Bletchingley Community Choir I had done bits of singing leading with young people in informal youth settings and I volunteered with Hammersmith and Fulham’s Borough youth choir for a short while.
As a singer and songwriter, I have performed at music venues and festivals across the UK, both solo and as part of longer-term musical collaborations.
We sing a range of repertoire from different genres in 2, 3 and 4-part harmony unaccompanied. We don’t audition and we teach and learn songs by ear.
We’re a very friendly bunch, and you can come along at any point during the term for a free session to try us out.
We sing primarily for fun and enjoyment, but we do occasionally perform locally, and enjoy working towards those events.
Tuesdays during term time from 7.15 pm to 9.15 pm.