Jo Allum


I live in Chichester, West Sussex and my groups are in the surrounding area.


The choirs I run are community based and include singers of all ages and experience.

Additional information

I have always loved singing and now I am in the lucky position of being involved in it just about everyday of my life! I taught music in schools for many years, which allowed me to experience music in many wonderful and varied ways with both children and adults. I have been involved with classroom lessons, individual instrumental teaching, concerts and shows, events and performances of every type!

Now I run my own schedule of musical joys….  adult choirs in the community, singing with people experiencing Parkinson’s, the elderly, those who may be physically or emotionally challenged, together with offering lessons in singing, flute and piano. My aim is always to focus on the ‘joy’ of music and at the same time, I love the challenge that performances can bring, together with the amazing ‘lift’ people usually experience!  Performing can also be a great vehicle for conveying important messages, or raising awareness, and raising funds for charities is always satisfying.

My choirs

Get Vocal

Get Vocal welcomes singers of all abilities and we have lots of fun at the same time as learning gorgeous songs. These are mainly taught by ‘ear’ and we enjoy singing ‘acapella’. Songs range from folk and traditional from a variety of countries, to those of more popular genres, and anywhere in between!  A warm and friendly group, we enjoy the social aspects of singing together and we also like the challenge of performing every so often.

Session times

Wednesday evenings between 7.30 and 9pm

Saturday Sings

We meet once a month in a Community Hall just outside Chichester and sing for joy on Saturday mornings! Our songs are taught by ear and include a variety of styles and easy to learn harmonies. These may include anything from folk or popular songs to those from a variety of countries. All ages and abilities welcome. We welcome one – off participants as well as regular ones!

Session times

Saturday morning once a month, 10.30am - 12pm

Sing to Feel Good

This group is entitled ‘Sing to Feel Good’ and is aimed at anyone who wants to do just that! It will be gentle, inclusive and encouraging. We will be exploring ways of allowing our voice to expand and be ‘freed up’. Through simple melodies and harmonies we will engage with one another in song.

Session times

Wednesday afternoons during term time, between 2.45 and 4pm.

WRAP choir

WRAP are a group of people who meet on a Tuesday evening in the Whyke area of Chichester to have a good old sing. Many members learn the songs ‘by ear’ whilst some prefer to read the music. We enjoy a variety of songs from the humorous to the moving, traditional through to the present day. We like to embrace some harmonies and enjoy the challenge of singing unaccompanied as well as being accompanied by the piano. A friendly, sociable group, WRAP members also like to perform occasionally.

This choir is taking a break until September 2023. Please contact Jo for further information.

Session times

WRAP meets on a Tuesday evening between 7.30 and 9pm

Contact details