Yvette Staelens




Community choirs - everything is taught aurally. Singers 'finding their voice' especially welcome.

Additional information

Welcome to your singing adventure. Join me! I lead three community choirs here in Somerset and run workshops and choirs elsewhere when invited. Latterly in Sydney, Australia. I started work as a Natural Voice Practitioner in 1999 (oh my) and have never stopped. It’s the most rewarding job ever. I teach the same repertoire to all of my choirs so that we can perform together at local events and internationally. We travel to Europe annually and have partnered with many choirs in  Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Czechia, Moravia, Madeira, and elsewhere.  Often returning to renew friendships with our singing brothers and sisters. We share songs from our own and many traditions and love gorgeous songs and arrangements written by other NVN members, heartfelt and spirited.

In case it’s of interest, I work in Heritage too, digging holes. I’m a trained and experienced archaeologist,and currently work as  a Facilitator for the mental health Human Henge project,  journeying deep into the healing landscape at Stonehenge.  I also lecture occasionally as a Senior Teaching Fellow at Bournemouth University  and research intangible cultural heritage, specifically folk songs of Somerset and the west country, outputs include a series of folk maps for Somerset, Gloucestershire, and Hampshire. (see resources). That’s enough about me. Hoping to sing with you sometime.

My choirs

Voice of The People

All welcome to join our community choir, especially those who are unconfident about their singing voice and those who are more confident, of course. We share songs, rounds, chants from many cultures and love songs written by other NVN members. So much love to share! We link with other choirs in Europe and beyond, and like to tour annually. Do come and give us a try; email me if you want more information.

Session times

Mondays 10-11.30am

Contact details