Sian Croose




Sian is a singer, conductor and performance maker with over 30 years\' experience.

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Sian is a singer, conductor and performance maker with over 30 years\’ experience of creating and directing music projects. After an apprenticeship in bands and alternative theatre, she trained on the Community Music programme founded by John Stevens.
Since 1997, she has conducted new choral works by many composers, including Barbara Thompson, Karen Wimhurst, Andy Sheppard, Jon Hassell, and Gwilym Simcock. She has sung with the Helen Chadwick Group and Human Music and performs in the Voice Project Quintet.
Other projects include The Dawn Chorus, with American singer and composer Brendan Taaffe, writing and performing new songs inspired by the Shape Note tradition, and Harmonium, a wordless systems-based a cappella project for 12 women‘s voices that premiered in 2016.
She runs Norwich-based choir Big Sky, regularly commissioning new music from award-winning songwriter Chris Wood and performing with storyteller Hugh Lupton and multi-instrumentalist Adrian Lever. She also runs workshops for choirs and vocal groups throughout the UK and Ireland and training and coaching for vocal leaders and singers.

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