Soul Singing


We meet on the border of Croydon and Bromley - West Wickham/Shirley


A friendly, inclusive, acapella choir where you just turn up and sing. No commitment needed and no performances. We meet because we love singing and the benefits it brings to mind, body and soul. Some harmonies are taught, some are made up. Members are encouraged to try new things in a safe space. We start every evening with names and an icebreaker so that everyone feels included. Once a term we have a bring and share meal where friends and family are invited to an informal singalong. The choir leader, Jo Bega, is passionate about inclusive, joyful singing and tries to be super-encouraging.

Session times

Monday evenings in term time from 7 to 9pm with a tea break in the middle

Email, call 07932 143667, or just turn up. All welcome.

Choir details


West Wickham and Shirley Baptist Church
Wickham Rd
Croydon CR0 8EH

Run by
Phone number