Singing Our Greetings and Farewells

This CD is one of a series of three workdiscs offering parts for a wide range of simple songs and chants which can be used at a range of occasions.

Singing Our Greetings and Farewells is a collection of 43 songs and chants from around the world for honouring beginnings and endings, and celebrating opening and closing of gatherings. The section on welcomes includes ‘ice-breakers’ and fun warm-ups as well as others from different folk and spiritual traditions.

This CD has been created by Natasha Hood (Celebrant and Interfaith Minister) and Karine Polwart (well-known Scottish singer-songwriter). Using only their natural voices, the songs are presented with the tune and harmony parts for each one sung separately before being put together.

The songs are drawn from many traditions; they are ‘holy, silly, sacred, embracing and heart-warming’. The CD is professionally recorded to a high quality and comes with a booklet setting out all the words.

Other CDs in the collection:
Singing the Day and the Seasons
Singing the Cycle of Our Lives
Singing for All Occasions – full set of 3

To buy, please email Sarah –

Resource details

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£12 (inc P&P UK, elsewhere negotiable)

How to buy

Direct from Sarah - please email me.